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Writer's pictureDeborah Tyler

Jesus, the gift that keeps on giving

Have you been picked on for being different?

Have you ever had a problem fitting in with the crowd?

Have you ever wished you were normal?

The world’s definition of normal is to be average, common, just like everybody else. The world has a tendency to judge us as if we are robots programmed the same way. What if God made you different for a reason. In fact, Psalm 139:14 says that we are “…fearfully and wonderfully made.” Being "wonderfully made,” means you are a unique masterpiece, with your own set of gifts, abilities, and characteristics.

God wants us to pursue a lifestyle free from the world’s idea of normal, to begin to tell the world who we are instead of letting the world define us.

You see, when God created people, he made plans to place something special and remarkable in each one of us that would make us stand out from the world. Would you like to know about this awesome gift?

Let's pretend that it's your birthday and Jesus came and he brought you a gift! Do you adore the wrapping paper? Do you put it on your coffee table for others to come see? Do you go around bragging to everybody that you received a gift from Jesus? What do you say when people ask you how you got Jesus to give you a gift? Has your behavior been so good that you deserve this gift?

Guess what? Jesus brought me a gift too! I found out that Jesus actually brought a gift for everyone! Did you get yours? I opened mine and you won't believe what was inside…salvation! I came to invite you to open your gift and find the promise of John 3:16 inside: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life!

That's right! Salvation is a gift from God the Father himself, because it was God who handed his Son over to sinners, so that his death would transform sinners into holy and righteous people who are called children of God. In exchange for God’s free gift, we must promise to show love, compassion, and service to others. We vow to become God’s hands and feet on earth, actively doing his work in our everyday lives.

It's true, Salvation is free, but living a life free from the effect of sin takes work. It's not easy to show love to everybody, especially when folks are talking bad about you. Serving others means you have to be willing to give up your way of doing things for God’s way.

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